Slide Show Duo icon OfficeOne Slide Show Duo


To uninstall Slide Show Duo follow these instructions:

Steps for Microsoft Windows 8:

  1. Make sure Microsoft PowerPoint is not running.
  2. Click Control Panel app in Start screen.
  3. Click Uninstall a program link under the Programs section.
  4. Locate and select OfficeOne Slide Show Duo from the list of installed programs.
  5. Click Uninstall button and follow the instructions for uninstalling OfficeOne Slide Show Duo.

Steps for Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Vista:

  1. Make sure Microsoft PowerPoint is not running.
  2. Select Windows Start | Control Panel menu item.
  3. Click Uninstall a program link under the Programs section.
  4. Locate and select OfficeOne Slide Show Duo from the list of installed programs.
  5. Click Uninstall button and follow the instructions for uninstalling OfficeOne Slide Show Duo.

Steps for Microsoft Windows XP:

  1. Make sure Microsoft PowerPoint is not running.
  2. Select Windows Start | Control Panel menu item.
  3. Launch Add/Remove Programs.
  4. Locate and select OfficeOne Slide Show Duo from the list of installed programs.
  5. Click Remove button and follow the instructions for uninstalling OfficeOne Slide Show Duo.


To uninstall Multi-Slides Presentation + follow these instructions:

Steps for Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Vista:

  1. Make sure Microsoft PowerPoint is not running.
  2. Select Windows Start | Control Panel menu item.
  3. Click Uninstall a program link under the Programs section.
  4. Locate and select Multi-Slides Presentation + from the list of installed programs.
  5. Click Uninstall button and follow the instructions for uninstalling Multi-Slides Presentation +.

Steps for Microsoft Windows XP:

  1. Make sure Microsoft PowerPoint is not running.
  2. Select Windows Start | Control Panel menu item.
  3. Launch Add/Remove Programs.
  4. Locate and select Multi-Slides Presentation + from the list of installed programs.
  5. Click Remove button and follow the instructions for uninstalling Multi-Slides Presentation +.
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